Executive Director of “Sami Frashëri” on TRT World Discusses Albanian-Italian Migration Agreement

On TRT World, Dr. Mentor Beqa, the Executive Director of the Institute of Political Studies “Sami Frashëri,” shared his insights on the controversial agreement between Albania and Italy regarding the hosting of migrants intercepted in the Mediterranean Sea aiming to reach Italy. The agreement, which involves establishing centers in Albania to hold these migrants, has sparked significant debate and concerns.

Dr. Beqa emphasized the asymmetric nature of the agreement, pointing out that “Albania is not getting anything in return” for its cooperation in managing the EU’s migration challenges. He questioned the rationale behind Albania’s decision to facilitate the EU’s migration management efforts without clear benefits for the country itself.

The discussion highlighted the broader implications of such agreements for non-EU countries like Albania, which find themselves involved in the European Union’s efforts to address migration and asylum-seeking flows without being full members of the union. Dr. Beqa’s commentary shed light on the complexities and potential pitfalls of international agreements on migration management, particularly for countries on the periphery of the EU.

This media appearance offers a critical perspective on the dynamics of international migration agreements and the position of smaller states in these discussions. Dr. Beqa’s insights contribute to the ongoing debate on migration management, the responsibilities of EU and non-EU countries, and the need for equitable agreements that consider the interests and capacities of all parties involved.

Watch the full conversation and explore Dr. Beqa’s analysis on this pivotal issue at TRT World’s YouTube channel.

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Sami Frasheri Institute
Rruga Pjeter Budi,
Qyteti Studenti, Tiranë