In a recent contribution to “Revista Shenja,” Dr. Mentor Beqa, a well-respected figure in political analysis, delves into the pervasive issue of corruption within Albanian society and the broader Balkan region. Beqa’s article presents a critical examination of the structural factors that facilitate corruption, highlighting the unfortunate synergy between expansive governmental power and the absence of effective democratic mechanisms for oversight and limitation of party and individual authority.

Government Size and Lack of Democratic Controls:

Beqa argues that the Balkans, and Albanian society in particular, suffer from a detrimental combination of large governmental structures and a deficiency in democratic controls. This combination, he suggests, not only enables but also perpetuates the widespread corruption that plagues the region.

Political Parties as Primary Sources of Corruption:

Central to Beqa’s analysis is the assertion that political parties are the main sources of corruption in Albanian society. He contends that the current political and institutional framework allows parties and their affiliated individuals to operate with a level of impunity that fosters corrupt practices, undermining the integrity and effectiveness of governance.

The Cycle of Corruption:

The article further explores how widespread corruption contributes to the reproduction of a societal reality that initially enables it. This cyclical nature of corruption, where corrupt practices perpetuate the very conditions that allow them to flourish, poses a significant challenge to breaking the cycle and implementing meaningful reforms.

Conclusion and Call to Action:

Dr. Beqa’s insights into the structural roots of corruption in Albania and the Balkans offer a sobering perspective on the challenges facing the region. His analysis underscores the urgent need for comprehensive reforms aimed at reducing governmental size, enhancing democratic oversight, and breaking the cycle of corruption that hinders societal progress and development.

For a detailed exploration of Dr. Beqa’s analysis and thoughts on the sources of corruption in Albanian society and the Balkans, read the full article here.

The Media section highlights the Sami Frasheri Institute’s active engagement with the press and broadcast media, where our experts provide analyses, comments, and expert insights on a wide range of topics, including geopolitical, political, social, and economic developments. Through this platform, we share our contributions to television programs, podcasts, interviews, and articles, reflecting our commitment to contributing to informed public discourse. Our team’s media appearances underscore our role in offering nuanced understandings of complex issues, emphasizing the importance of expert perspectives in shaping discussions on both regional and global scales. For inquiries about expert insights in the fields of our work, please contact us at

Sami Frasheri Institute
Rruga Pjeter Budi,
Qyteti Studenti, Tiranë

In a recent feature on Balkan Insight, Dr. Mentor Beqa offers a profound analysis of the ongoing conflict between Edi Rama, the Prime Minister of Albania, and Albin Kurti, the Prime Minister of Kosovo. This dispute, according to Dr. Beqa, transcends personal differences, revealing a deeper rift concerning the representation of Albanians in the Balkans. The disunity highlighted by the Rama-Kurti feud, Beqa argues, is detrimental not only to the bilateral relations between Albania and Kosovo but also to the broader quest for peace and stability in the region.

A Reflection of Deeper Issues:

The conflict between Rama and Kurti is emblematic of a more significant disagreement over who legitimately represents the interests of Albanians in the Balkans. This issue is critical given the historical and political complexities of the region, where the question of national identity and representation carries profound implications.

Impact on Bilateral Relations and Regional Stability:

Dr. Beqa emphasizes that the ongoing feud does not serve the interests of either Albania or Kosovo. Instead, it exacerbates existing tensions and complicates efforts towards fostering unity among Albanians across the Balkans. The lack of a unified stance, as illustrated by the Rama-Kurti dispute, poses challenges to achieving lasting peace and stability in a region marked by historical conflicts and delicate political dynamics.

The Need for Reconciliation and Unity:

The analysis suggests that resolving the Rama-Kurti conflict requires a concerted effort to address the underlying issues of representation and identity. It calls for leadership that prioritizes the collective interests of Albanians in the Balkans over individual or national political agendas. Such reconciliation and unity are essential for advancing the goals of peace, stability, and prosperity in the region.


Dr. Mentor Beqa’s commentary on Balkan Insight sheds light on the complexities underlying the Rama-Kurti conflict, offering a nuanced perspective on its implications for Albania, Kosovo, and the broader Balkan region. His insights underscore the importance of addressing deep-seated issues of identity and representation to overcome disunity and work towards a more peaceful and cohesive future.

For a comprehensive understanding of Dr. Beqa’s analysis on the conflict and its broader implications, read the full article on Balkan Insight.

The Media section highlights the Sami Frasheri Institute’s active engagement with the press and broadcast media, where our experts provide analyses, comments, and expert insights on a wide range of topics, including geopolitical, political, social, and economic developments. Through this platform, we share our contributions to television programs, podcasts, interviews, and articles, reflecting our commitment to contributing to informed public discourse. Our team’s media appearances underscore our role in offering nuanced understandings of complex issues, emphasizing the importance of expert perspectives in shaping discussions on both regional and global scales. For inquiries about expert insights in the fields of our work, please contact us at

In a thought-provoking article for “Revista Shenja,” Mentor Beqa, the Executive Director, delves into the intricate political developments within the Western Balkans, challenging the perceived centrality of prominent political figures such as Edi Rama and Albin Kurti. Beqa posits that while these leaders hold significance, there exist broader, impersonal forces that exert a more profound influence on the region’s political landscape.

Beyond Personal Politics:

Beqa’s analysis suggests that the dynamics of international politics, especially in regions as geopolitically sensitive as the Western Balkans, transcend individual personalities. He highlights the strategic interests and policies of global powers, particularly the United States, as crucial elements shaping the course of events in the area.

US Strategy in Focus:

Focusing on the United States’ approach to the Western Balkans, Beqa explores the underlying elements of American foreign policy towards the region. He scrutinizes the effectiveness and implications of these strategies, raising questions about their alignment with the long-term stability and prosperity of the Balkan states.

Impersonal Forces at Play:

The article sheds light on the “impersonal forces” that Beqa identifies as pivotal in driving political developments. These include international alliances, economic pressures, and strategic geopolitical interests that collectively influence the direction of regional politics, often overshadowing the roles of individual political figures.

A Call for a Rethought Strategy:

Beqa’s critique extends to a call for reevaluating the American strategy in the Western Balkans. He advocates for a nuanced approach that recognizes the complexity of the region’s political, ethnic, and historical context, suggesting that a more considered and inclusive strategy could better serve the interests of both the Western Balkans and the broader international community.


Mentor Beqa’s article in “Revista Shenja” presents a compelling analysis of the Western Balkans’ current political dynamics, challenging the conventional focus on individual leaders to reveal the broader forces at play. His insights contribute significantly to the ongoing discourse on international relations and foreign policy in the region, offering a critical perspective on the role of global powers in shaping the future of the Western Balkans.

For a detailed exploration of Beqa’s analysis and thoughts on the American strategy in the Western Balkans, read the full article here.

The Media section highlights the Sami Frasheri Institute’s active engagement with the press and broadcast media, where our experts provide analyses, comments, and expert insights on a wide range of topics, including geopolitical, political, social, and economic developments. Through this platform, we share our contributions to television programs, podcasts, interviews, and articles, reflecting our commitment to contributing to informed public discourse. Our team’s media appearances underscore our role in offering nuanced understandings of complex issues, emphasizing the importance of expert perspectives in shaping discussions on both regional and global scales. For inquiries about expert insights in the fields of our work, please contact us at

Dr. Vehap Kola, the Director of Programs at the “Sami Frashëri” Foundation, recently shared insights into his academic career and the pivotal role of Turkish state scholarships in an interview with the Turkish state agency, Anadolu Ajansi.

Key Highlights from the Interview:

  • Academic Career Development: Dr. Kola detailed how the Turkish state scholarships provided him with the essential support and resources to pursue and advance his academic career, underscoring the significant impact of these scholarships on his professional journey.
  • Insights into the Scholarship Program: The discussion also shed light on the broader objectives and successes of the Turkish state scholarship program, highlighting its contributions to fostering academic excellence and international educational cooperation.
  • Gratitude and Reflections: Expressing gratitude for the opportunities afforded by the scholarship, Dr. Kola reflected on the importance of such programs in empowering students from diverse backgrounds to achieve their academic and career aspirations.

Dr. Kola’s story serves as an inspiration to aspiring scholars and a testament to the transformative power of educational opportunities. For those interested in Dr. Kola’s full interview and insights into the impact of Turkish state scholarships on his academic career, please visit Anadolu Ajansi’s official website or follow this link.

The Media section highlights the Sami Frasheri Institute’s active engagement with the press and broadcast media, where our experts provide analyses, comments, and expert insights on a wide range of topics, including geopolitical, political, social, and economic developments. Through this platform, we share our contributions to television programs, podcasts, interviews, and articles, reflecting our commitment to contributing to informed public discourse. Our team’s media appearances underscore our role in offering nuanced understandings of complex issues, emphasizing the importance of expert perspectives in shaping discussions on both regional and global scales. For inquiries about expert insights in the fields of our work, please contact us at

We invite you to tune in to an insightful interview with Dr. Vehap Kola, the Director of Programs at the Institute of Political Studies “Sami Frashëri.” Dr. Kola will be sharing his expertise on the effects of inflation on businesses and the new fiscal package. The interview, conducted by journalists Dafina Hysa and Lidion Kullaj, will take place in the studios of Radio – Television Scan.

This discussion is timely and significant, given the current economic challenges facing the region and beyond. Dr. Kola’s analysis will delve into how inflationary pressures are impacting business operations and what measures the new fiscal package entails to address these issues.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into the economic landscape and understand the implications of recent fiscal policies.

Watch the interview here:

The Media section highlights the Sami Frasheri Institute’s active engagement with the press and broadcast media, where our experts provide analyses, comments, and expert insights on a wide range of topics, including geopolitical, political, social, and economic developments. Through this platform, we share our contributions to television programs, podcasts, interviews, and articles, reflecting our commitment to contributing to informed public discourse. Our team’s media appearances underscore our role in offering nuanced understandings of complex issues, emphasizing the importance of expert perspectives in shaping discussions on both regional and global scales. For inquiries about expert insights in the fields of our work, please contact us at

In a recent appearance on Ora News, Dr. Mentor Beqa, Executive Director of the Institute of Political Studies “Sami Frashëri,” engaged in a critical discussion with journalist Sebastian Zonja about the cyber attack attributed to Iran against Albania and its potential repercussions on regional security.

Discussion Highlights:

  • Cyber Attack Overview: Dr. Beqa provided an in-depth analysis of the cyber attack’s nature, its strategic implications, and the immediate response required to mitigate such threats.
  • Regional Security Concerns: The conversation extended to explore the broader implications of the attack on Albania’s security and the potential ripple effects throughout the Balkan region.
  • Strategic Insights: Offering strategic insights, Dr. Beqa discussed the importance of bolstering cyber defenses and enhancing regional cooperation to address such cybersecurity challenges effectively.

Significance of the Appearance:

This media appearance underscores the Institute’s commitment to contributing informed analyses on critical issues affecting national and regional security. Dr. Beqa’s discussion highlights the evolving nature of security threats in the digital age and the need for comprehensive strategies to protect against and respond to cyber aggression.

Watch the Full Discussion:

For those interested in understanding the complexities of cybersecurity in the context of regional politics and security, Dr. Beqa’s insights offer valuable perspectives. The complete discussion is available on Ora News’ YouTube channel at this link.

The Media section highlights the Sami Frasheri Institute’s active engagement with the press and broadcast media, where our experts provide analyses, comments, and expert insights on a wide range of topics, including geopolitical, political, social, and economic developments. Through this platform, we share our contributions to television programs, podcasts, interviews, and articles, reflecting our commitment to contributing to informed public discourse. Our team’s media appearances underscore our role in offering nuanced understandings of complex issues, emphasizing the importance of expert perspectives in shaping discussions on both regional and global scales. For inquiries about expert insights in the fields of our work, please contact us at

In a revealing interview with ABC News, Dr. Mentor Beqa, the Executive Director of the Institute of Political Studies “Sami Frashëri,” offered a comprehensive analysis of the recent EU-Western Balkans Summit. Dr. Beqa’s insights shed light on the complex dynamics and underlying sentiments that characterized the summit’s proceedings.

Key Analysis Points by Dr. Beqa:

  • Satisfaction with the Status Quo: Dr. Beqa noted that the summit revealed a general satisfaction among all parties with the current state of affairs, highlighting a cautious approach to further EU expansion.
  • EU Member States’ Leaders and Voters: He pointed out that leaders of EU member states seem to appease their voters by keeping the Western Balkan countries at arm’s length from the EU.
  • Western Balkans’ Leaders: According to Dr. Beqa, leaders within the Western Balkans consolidate their autocratic power by blaming the EU for their failures, a tactic that diverts attention from internal issues.
  • Shift in the Idea of EU Integration: Initially seen as an emancipatory force for the Balkan states, the notion of EU integration has, over time, become reactionary due to prolonged delays and perceived indifference from the EU.
  • EU Perceived as a Destination: Despite the stagnation, the prospect of joining the EU has spurred significant reforms within Balkan countries. However, nearly a decade of EU indifference has bolstered autocrats like Aleksandër Vuçiç and Edi Rama, who, despite their rhetoric, have been the primary beneficiaries of the stalled integration process.
  • Edi Rama’s ‘Rebel’ Rhetoric: Dr. Beqa criticized the Albanian Prime Minister’s rhetoric as outdated and ineffective, suggesting that generalized accusations against abstract entities mask a political impotence.

Implications for EU-Balkan Relations:

Dr. Beqa’s analysis underscores the complex interplay between EU aspirations and the political realities within the Western Balkans. His critique points to a need for renewed commitment and clarity from both sides to move beyond rhetoric and towards meaningful integration.

Watch the Full Interview:

For a deeper understanding of Dr. Beqa’s perspectives on the EU-Western Balkans Summit, the complete interview is available on ABC News’ YouTube channel at this link.

The Media section highlights the Sami Frasheri Institute’s active engagement with the press and broadcast media, where our experts provide analyses, comments, and expert insights on a wide range of topics, including geopolitical, political, social, and economic developments. Through this platform, we share our contributions to television programs, podcasts, interviews, and articles, reflecting our commitment to contributing to informed public discourse. Our team’s media appearances underscore our role in offering nuanced understandings of complex issues, emphasizing the importance of expert perspectives in shaping discussions on both regional and global scales. For inquiries about expert insights in the fields of our work, please contact us at

Dr. Mentor Beqa, the Executive Director of the Institute of Political Studies “Sami Frashëri,” recently provided critical remarks on the Albanian Prime Minister’s rhetoric during the solemn meeting between the governments of Albania and Kosovo, as reported by Ora News. Highlighting concerns over what he perceives as “primitive rhetoric,” Dr. Beqa pointed out the Prime Minister’s unwarranted attacks against political opponents and the occasional use of vulgar language, which he believes does not suit the stature of a Prime Minister, especially during such a significant event.

Key Points from Dr. Beqa’s Statement:

  • Rhetorical Concerns: Dr. Beqa noted the Prime Minister’s approach, marked by aggressive and sometimes inappropriate language, as unbecoming for a leader in a high-profile diplomatic setting.
  • Leadership Style Contrast: A comparison was drawn between the Prime Minister’s demeanor and that of Kosovo’s leader, Mr. Kurti, whom Dr. Beqa praised for his more restrained and dignified public presence, particularly during the joint government meeting.

Public Leadership and Decorum:

Dr. Beqa’s critique emphasizes the need for public figures to exhibit decorum and respect in their communications. His comments call for a reflection on political rhetoric’s impact on governance perception and the importance of adopting a constructive discourse in public leadership.

Broader Implications:

This commentary sheds light on the expectations for political communication and the role of language in shaping public and diplomatic relations. It also prompts a discussion on varying approaches to leadership and public engagement across the region.

For a detailed overview of Dr. Beqa’s critique and further analysis of the Albania-Kosovo government meeting, readers are encouraged to view the full report on Ora News at the following link: Ora News – Dr. Beqa’s Commentary.

The Media section highlights the Sami Frasheri Institute’s active engagement with the press and broadcast media, where our experts provide analyses, comments, and expert insights on a wide range of topics, including geopolitical, political, social, and economic developments. Through this platform, we share our contributions to television programs, podcasts, interviews, and articles, reflecting our commitment to contributing to informed public discourse. Our team’s media appearances underscore our role in offering nuanced understandings of complex issues, emphasizing the importance of expert perspectives in shaping discussions on both regional and global scales. For inquiries about expert insights in the fields of our work, please contact us at

The “Balkans 2030” conference series, a significant initiative aimed at fostering dialogue and cooperation within the Western Balkans towards EU and NATO integration, received substantial attention from regional media following its second meeting in Sarajevo on June 9-10. This event, titled “The Balkans in the EU and NATO: Peace in Europe,” brought together representatives from six Western Balkan countries, underscoring the region’s collective aspiration for peace, stability, and integration into European and Atlantic structures.

Event Highlights:

  • The conference provided a platform for in-depth discussions on the strategic importance of the Western Balkans’ integration into the EU and NATO, exploring the geopolitical, economic, and social implications for the region.
  • With the participation of policymakers, academics, and analysts from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Kosovo, the conference fostered a comprehensive dialogue on the challenges and opportunities facing the Balkans on its path towards European and Atlantic integration.
  • The event also served as a testament to the collaborative spirit among Western Balkan nations, highlighting the shared vision of a peaceful and prosperous European future.

Media Coverage:

The conference’s significance was echoed in regional media reports, which emphasized the event’s role in advancing discussions on peace, stability, and integration within the Balkans. Coverage highlighted the diverse perspectives and expert insights presented during the conference, illustrating the constructive and forward-looking approach adopted by participants.

Implications for the Region:

The media spotlight on the “Balkans 2030” conference series signifies the growing recognition of the Western Balkans’ strategic importance and the urgency of addressing the region’s integration challenges. The extensive coverage reflects a broader interest in the Balkans’ future within the European and Atlantic communities, fostering greater awareness and support for the region’s aspirations.

Looking Forward:

The “Balkans 2030” conference series continues to serve as a pivotal forum for dialogue and cooperation among Western Balkan countries and their European and Atlantic partners. The media’s engagement with the event underscores the critical role of public discourse in shaping policies and initiatives aimed at ensuring the Balkans’ peaceful and prosperous integration into the EU and NATO.

The Media section highlights the Sami Frasheri Institute’s active engagement with the press and broadcast media, where our experts provide analyses, comments, and expert insights on a wide range of topics, including geopolitical, political, social, and economic developments. Through this platform, we share our contributions to television programs, podcasts, interviews, and articles, reflecting our commitment to contributing to informed public discourse. Our team’s media appearances underscore our role in offering nuanced understandings of complex issues, emphasizing the importance of expert perspectives in shaping discussions on both regional and global scales. For inquiries about expert insights in the fields of our work, please contact us at

The recent “Balkans 2030 – The Balkans in the EU and NATO, Peace in Europe” conference, co-organized by the Center for Advanced Studies in Sarajevo and the Institute of Political Studies “Sami Frashëri” in Tirana, has garnered significant media attention, as reported by the Federal News Agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This pivotal event, which took place in Sarajevo, brought together representatives from six Balkan countries—Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Kosovo—to discuss the region’s future within the European Union and NATO framework.

Conference Highlights:

  • Broad Representation: The conference showcased a wide array of viewpoints, with delegates engaging in critical discussions on the Balkans’ path towards EU and NATO integration, emphasizing the significance of regional peace and stability.
  • Strategic Focus: Participants explored various strategies to enhance collaboration and solidarity among Balkan nations, aiming to streamline the integration process and bolster the region’s role in European and transatlantic partnerships.

Media Spotlight:

The Federal News Agency’s coverage of the “Balkans 2030” conference underscores the event’s importance in shaping the geopolitical landscape of the region. The media’s interest in this conference highlights the growing consensus on the need for a unified and strategic approach to Balkan integration into European and international bodies.

Implications for the Region:

The discussions and outcomes from this conference are expected to have a lasting impact on the Balkans, offering a roadmap for future collaboration, policy development, and diplomatic efforts aimed at securing a stable, peaceful, and prosperous region. The media attention drawn to this event further amplifies its significance, spreading awareness and fostering dialogue on the Balkans’ integration challenges and opportunities.

Looking Forward:

The “Balkans 2030” conference sets a precedent for future dialogues and initiatives focused on the Balkans’ European and NATO integration. The media coverage by the Federal News Agency and others plays a crucial role in maintaining momentum and public interest in these critical discussions, ensuring that the insights and strategies developed during the conference reach a wider audience and contribute to informed public discourse on the Balkans’ future.

For more information and insights from the conference, the Federal News Agency’s full report can be accessed here.

The Media section highlights the Sami Frasheri Institute’s active engagement with the press and broadcast media, where our experts provide analyses, comments, and expert insights on a wide range of topics, including geopolitical, political, social, and economic developments. Through this platform, we share our contributions to television programs, podcasts, interviews, and articles, reflecting our commitment to contributing to informed public discourse. Our team’s media appearances underscore our role in offering nuanced understandings of complex issues, emphasizing the importance of expert perspectives in shaping discussions on both regional and global scales. For inquiries about expert insights in the fields of our work, please contact us at