An enlightening session was hosted featuring Dr. Fedhon Meksi and his significant contribution to historical literature, “Mahmut Pasha Bushati – The New Scanderbeg”. The book dives deep into the life and contributions of Mahmut Pasha Bushati, an emblematic figure in Albanian history during the late Ottoman period, shedding new light on his role and influence in the Albanian Pashaliks.

Insights from the Discussion:

Dr. Meksi’s research provides a fresh examination of Mahmut Pasha Bushati, underlining his monumental impact on the Albanian territories and his enduring legacy in the collective memory of the nation. The author meticulously navigates through Bushati’s strategic moves and his significant contributions, drawing parallels between him and Scanderbeg, Albania’s revered national hero.

The discussion traversed the socio-political dynamics of the Ottoman era in Albanian regions, emphasizing Bushati’s adept leadership and his visionary approach to governance. Dr. Meksi’s thorough analysis, based on historical records, paints a vivid picture of Bushati’s achievements and the challenges he encountered, offering attendees a deeper understanding of his historical significance.

Event Highlights:

  • The conversation sparked an engaging dialogue on the late Ottoman period’s complexity in the Albanian narrative, enriching attendees’ knowledge and sparking interest in Albanian history and identity.
  • The event attracted a diverse audience, including scholars, students, and history aficionados, all keen to explore the nuanced aspects of Bushati’s legacy.
  • Dr. Meksi’s presentation highlighted the critical role of historical figures like Bushati in shaping Albanian socio-political heritage and their lasting impact on the nation’s identity.

Significance of the Event:

This event exemplifies the critical importance of revisiting and critically analyzing historical figures to gain a nuanced understanding of their contributions and the broader implications for national history and identity. Dr. Meksi’s work significantly contributes to the field of Albanian historical scholarship, offering a nuanced perspective on the past that continues to influence contemporary Albanian consciousness.

Watch the Full Conversation:

For those interested in delving deeper into the life and legacy of Mahmut Pasha Bushati and exploring the rich tapestry of Albanian history, the full conversation is available at ISP “Sami Frashëri” Facebook Page.

Sami Frasheri Institute
Rruga Pjeter Budi,
Qyteti Studenti, Tiranë

Event Recap: “1878 -1928: The Role of Political Elites”

The Institute of Political Studies “Sami Frashëri” recently hosted a captivating discussion on the book “1878 -1928: The Role of Political Elites” with its author, researcher Xhafer Sadiku. This engaging session offered a deep dive into a critical fifty-year period in Albanian history, challenging prevailing narratives and shedding new light on the roles of political elites during these transformative years.

Key Highlights:

  • New Perspectives on History: Sadiku’s work critically examines the distortions and manipulations of historical facts by the Communist regime, presenting a compelling case for re-evaluation. His research uncovers the nuanced and complex dynamics of political elites, offering fresh insights into their influence on Albania’s historical and political development.
  • Lively Academic Discourse: The presentation sparked animated discussions among attendees, comprising both students and professionals. Participants engaged with Sadiku’s arguments, debating the implications of his findings and the importance of revisiting historical narratives with a critical eye.
  • Impact of External and Internal Forces: Delving into the intricate political landscape of the era, Sadiku highlighted how Albania was shaped by both external pressures and internal movements. His analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of the forces at play, contributing significantly to the academic discourse on Albania’s past.

Event Significance:

This enlightening session emphasized the importance of scholarly research in dissecting the complex roles that political elites have played in shaping national history. It fostered an environment of critical inquiry and encouraged a deeper appreciation for Albania’s political and historical evolution. Attendees left with a heightened interest in exploring beyond conventional narratives, demonstrating the event’s success in promoting a culture of academic diligence and critical reflection.

For those interested in further exploring the themes discussed, we invite you to follow the full conversation here:

The Institute of Political Studies “Sami Frashëri,” in partnership with Ars&Academic Publishing, launched its first session of the “Frashëri Clubs” book club on March 24, 2022, at Coffee4Books. This event inaugurates a bi-weekly series dedicated to delving into critical works, authors, and discussions that span the breadth of political science and extend into broader literary and cultural themes.

The spotlight of the evening was an engaging presentation by Dr. Mentor Beqa, the Executive Director at ISP Sami Frashëri, on the seminal contributions of Sami Frashëri. Dr. Beqa’s analysis brought to the fore the intricate political dimensions encapsulated in Frashëri’s writings, illustrating a blend of modern, liberal, and conservative views that heralded a progressive ideology ahead of its time.

Central to Dr. Beqa’s discourse was the assertion of Sami Frashëri’s pivotal role in the early political thought within the Albanian lexicon. Frashëri’s work, lauded as the inaugural, if not sole, political treatise in Albanian at the time, represented a foundational moment for political discourse in Albania. This endeavor not only facilitated the maturation of the Albanian language for articulating sophisticated political notions but also epitomized a significant leap in the nation’s intellectual heritage.

The gathering drew a varied audience, from eager students to seasoned scholars, all united by a shared interest in the intellectual tapestry of the Balkans and its implications for current political science debates. This dialogue served as a homage to Sami Frashëri’s timeless influence while offering a dynamic forum for reflection on the trajectory of political thought within the Albanian sphere.

The “Frashëri Clubs” initiative is set to continue sparking thought-provoking discussions, with the overarching goal of enriching the collective understanding of the intellectual currents shaping the Balkan region. This series promises to be a cornerstone for those looking to delve into the depths of political, literary, and cultural discourses, reflecting on past insights while navigating contemporary questions.

Balkans 2030 – Addressing Challenges to Peace, Security, and Stability

November 21, 2021 – The “Balkans 2030: Challenges to Peace, Security, and Stability” forum, organized by the Institute of Political Studies ‘Sami Frashëri’ and the Center for Advanced Studies, Sarajevo, concluded its sessions on November 19-20 at the Grand Hotel Europa in Shkodra. This critical gathering was convened against the backdrop of escalating tensions and evolving dynamics within the international system and the Balkan region, particularly concerning the actions of Serbia and external influences that threaten to destabilize the existing peace.

The forum brought together a diverse coalition of experts from the Western Balkans, including Albania, Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Montenegro. The assembly of professionals spanning academia, diplomacy, civic engagement, and politics discussed the burgeoning challenges that pose a threat to the region’s peace, stability, and prosperity.

Key Objectives and Discussions:

  • Coalition Building: The primary aim was to forge a coalition of regional organizations and individuals dedicated to addressing these emergent threats.
  • Threat Identification: Participants engaged in identifying immediate and looming threats to the Balkans, with a focus on creating actionable policy proposals to mitigate these risks effectively.
  • Regional Cooperation: The forum stressed the importance of regional cooperation based on equality, taking into account the unique sensitivities of each country, while staunchly opposing separatist agendas that endanger national sovereignties.

Outcomes and Recommendations: The discussions culminated in a consensus on the need for pragmatic solutions and the promotion of regional collaboration to ensure the collective security and prosperity of the Balkan states. The forum highlighted the critical role of diplomacy and dialogue in overcoming regional challenges and fostering a stable and peaceful Balkans.

Impact and Forward-Looking Statements: The Shkodra meeting marked an important moment for genuine regional dialogue, setting the stage for ongoing collaboration among intellectuals from the Western Balkan countries. By uniting a wide array of regional actors committed to peace and stability, the forum underscored the collective resolve to confront and navigate the complexities of contemporary security challenges. This event stands as a testament to the urgency and necessity of concerted efforts to safeguard the future of the Balkans, emphasizing the power of cooperation and shared vision in overcoming the hurdles that lie ahead.