Dr. Çelo Hoxha Explores the Illegitimacy of Communist Power in Albania at “Open Seminars”

January 17, 2023 – In the last session of the “Open Seminars” series, organized by the Institute “Sami Frashëri” and the Center for Advanced Studies, Dr. Çelo Hoxha, Director of the Institute for the Study of Communist Crimes (ISKK), presented a compelling analysis on the topic: “The Illegitimacy of Communist Power in Albania.” This seminar offered a profound exploration into the unlawful establishment and operation of the communist regime in Albania, highlighting its extralegal nature from its inception to its dissolution.

Seminar Highlights:

  • Illegitimate Foundation: Dr. Hoxha argued that the Communist regime in Albania was installed unlawfully, with the Albanian Communist Party (later the Party of Labour) remaining an occult, extrajudicial entity never registered by any Albanian state institution or document.
  • Acknowledgment of Illegality: Referencing historical documents, Dr. Hoxha noted that even the leaders of the Communist Party acknowledged this illegitimacy but failed to take any measures to legalize the party within the Albanian state’s legal framework.
  • Public Oversight: This critical aspect of Albania’s history has been largely overlooked by the public discourse, emphasizing that Albania was effectively governed by an illegal organization from 1944 until 1991.
  • Violence and Suppression: During the discussion, Dr. Hoxha highlighted the disturbing fact that between 1939 and 1950, the communist forces were responsible for more Albanian deaths than any occupying army, including the Italians and Germans.

About the “Open Seminars”: This intellectual platform, developed by the Institute “Sami Frashëri” in Tirana and the CNS in Sarajevo, facilitates critical discussions on contemporary societal challenges. The seminars aim to engage scholars, students, and the public in meaningful dialogue on various topics.

Impact of the Seminar:

Dr. Hoxha’s presentation not only shed light on a pivotal yet underexamined aspect of Albanian history but also encouraged a reevaluation of the narratives surrounding the communist era in Albania. By examining the extralegal foundations and actions of the Communist Party, the seminar urged a critical reassessment of the period’s legacy and its implications for Albania’s historical and legal understanding.

For those interested in delving deeper into Dr. Hoxha’s analysis and the broader implications of his findings, the complete discussion is available for viewing at this link.

Sami Frasheri Institute
Rruga Pjeter Budi,
Qyteti Studenti, Tiranë