Balkans 2030 Forum on Peace, Security, and Stability

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The Institute of Political Studies ‘Sami Frashëri’ in collaboration with the Center for Advanced Studies, Sarajevo, is proud to announce the upcoming forum “Balkans 2030: Challenges to Peace, Security, and Stability,” scheduled for November 19-20 at the Grand Hotel Europa in Shkodra.

Amidst the backdrop of swift and unforeseen shifts within the global arena and the Balkan region, exacerbated by Serbia’s and other actors’ efforts to unsettle the prevailing balance—potentially reigniting dormant conflicts—this forum seeks to:

  • Foster a Unified Coalition: Assemble a diverse group of organizations and individuals from across the Western Balkans, including Albania, Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Montenegro. Participants, hailing from the fields of academia, diplomacy, civic activism, and politics, bring a wealth of knowledge and a shared dedication to addressing regional concerns.
  • Identify and Address Threats: Pinpoint both immediate and looming threats that jeopardize the tranquility, stability, and prosperity of Balkan states. The forum aims to craft and deliver strategic policy recommendations to mitigate these risks effectively.
  • Promote Regional Cooperation: Advocate for and foster regional collaboration based on equal footing, mindful of each nation’s unique circumstances. The forum stands against any initiatives or actions that fuel separatist sentiments, posing a risk to the territorial sovereignty of Balkan nations.

This event represents a crucial platform for dialogue and action, uniting regional stakeholders in a common quest for sustainable peace, security, and stability in the Balkans. We invite all interested parties to join us in this vital discussion as we navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the region.

Event Summary

Balkans 2030 – Addressing Challenges to Peace, Security, and Stability


The “Balkans 2030: Challenges to Peace, Security, and Stability” forum, organized by the Institute of Political Studies ‘Sami Frashëri’ and the Center for Advanced Studies, Sarajevo, concluded its sessions on November 19-20 at the Grand Hotel Europa in Shkodra. This critical gathering was convened against the backdrop of escalating tensions and evolving dynamics within the international system and the Balkan region, particularly concerning the actions of Serbia and external influences that threaten to destabilize the existing peace.

The forum brought together a diverse coalition of experts from the Western Balkans, including Albania, Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Montenegro. The assembly of professionals spanning academia, diplomacy, civic engagement, and politics discussed the burgeoning challenges that pose a threat to the region’s peace, stability, and prosperity.


Key Objectives and Discussions:

  • Coalition Building: The primary aim was to forge a coalition of regional organizations and individuals dedicated to addressing these emergent threats.
  • Threat Identification: Participants engaged in identifying immediate and looming threats to the Balkans, with a focus on creating actionable policy proposals to mitigate these risks effectively.
  • Regional Cooperation: The forum stressed the importance of regional cooperation based on equality, taking into account the unique sensitivities of each country, while staunchly opposing separatist agendas that endanger national sovereignties.


Outcomes and Recommendations: The discussions culminated in a consensus on the need for pragmatic solutions and the promotion of regional collaboration to ensure the collective security and prosperity of the Balkan states. The forum highlighted the critical role of diplomacy and dialogue in overcoming regional challenges and fostering a stable and peaceful Balkans.


Impact and Forward-Looking Statements: The Shkodra meeting marked an important moment for genuine regional dialogue, setting the stage for ongoing collaboration among intellectuals from the Western Balkan countries. By uniting a wide array of regional actors committed to peace and stability, the forum underscored the collective resolve to confront and navigate the complexities of contemporary security challenges. This event stands as a testament to the urgency and necessity of concerted efforts to safeguard the future of the Balkans, emphasizing the power of cooperation and shared vision in overcoming the hurdles that lie ahead.