Prof. Asoc. Dr. Fabian Zhilla Discusses the Negative Impact of Media on Public Ethics at “Open Seminars”

December 25, 2022 – In a thought-provoking session of “Open Seminars” organized by the Institute “Sami Frashëri” and the Center for Advanced Studies, Prof. Asoc. Dr. Fabian Zhilla, a leading figure in the “No More Shame” movement, addressed the critical issue of the detrimental effects of ‘trash’ TV shows on public ethics. The seminar titled “Public Ethics and Mass Media” took place with Dr. Vehap Kola, where Prof. Zhilla emphasized the growing concern over the vulgarization of culture and its implications, particularly for the youth.

Key Highlights from the Seminar:

  • Cultural Vulgarization: Prof. Zhilla, referencing Robert Pattison’s “The Triumph of Vulgarity: Rock Music in the Mirror of Romanticism,” delved into how culture is being reshaped under the influence of vulgar content in media. He argued that the unchecked spread of vulgarity threatens to undermine civilization by replacing elite culture with a distorted reflection of societal values.
  • Hypersexualization in Reality Shows: The discussion highlighted the issue of hypersexualization in reality TV programs, critiquing it as a redefinition of art that strips it of its subtlety, finesse, and educational value.
  • The Role of Shame: Prof. Zhilla advocated for a dual approach involving public backlash and regulatory measures by the state. He particularly focused on the concept of ‘shame’ as a moral regulator, distinguishing it from legal instruments by its ability to facilitate a personal relationship with values, virtues, and principles.

Cultivating the Institution of Shame: The seminar explored how cultivating a sense of shame could prevent the vulgarization of culture and art. By reintroducing nuanced, educated public debates on the topic, society’s expectations for the quality of art and culture can be elevated, creating an audience that inherently rejects vulgarity.

The Dominance of Vulgarity: Prof. Zhilla lamented the current dominance of vulgarity in political, artistic, and cultural discourse, highlighting it as not just a legal violation but a deeply shameful phenomenon.

About “Open Seminars”: This intellectual discussion platform, developed by the Institute “Sami Frashëri” in Tirana and the CNS in Sarajevo, hosts bi-weekly meetings in Tirana. It aims to stimulate critical approaches to contemporary societal challenges. Students who regularly attend the seminars are awarded certificates of attendance by the organizers.

For a deeper insight into Prof. Zhilla’s discussion on the negative impact of media on public ethics and the broader cultural implications, the session is available for viewing at this link.

Sami Frasheri Institute
Rruga Pjeter Budi,
Qyteti Studenti, Tiranë