A Rich and Breathtaking Exploration of Ottoman History: 25th CIÉPO Symposium in Tirana, Albania

The 25th Symposium of the Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes (International Committee for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies, CIÉPO) will take place in Tirana, Albania, from June 21-25, 2024. Hosted by the Sami Frashëri Institute, this event is a significant gathering for scholars of Ottoman and pre-Ottoman studies, featuring a wide range of panels and discussions that delve into various aspects of Ottoman history, culture, and society.

Academic Themes and Panels

The symposium’s program is diverse, covering a multitude of topics related to the Ottoman Empire. Key themes include:

  1. Law and Order in the Ottoman World: This theme explores the strategies and challenges of law enforcement in the 17th and 18th centuries. Panels will discuss crime and punishment in different Ottoman territories, the impact of war on law enforcement, and the role of the Ottoman naval arsenal in maintaining public order.
  2. Religion and Society in Medieval Anatolia: Panels will investigate new approaches to understanding religion and societal structures in Medieval Anatolia, including the influence of various religious and literary traditions.
  3. Diplomacy and International Relations: Discussions will focus on the diplomacy of Ottoman tributaries during the 16th and 17th centuries, examining the political maneuvers and relationships that shaped the empire’s external affairs.
  4. Economic and Commercial Landscapes: This theme addresses the commercial activities and economic policies of the Ottoman Empire. Panels will cover topics such as the olive oil economy, the role of merchants, and the economic interactions between Venice and the Ottoman Balkans.
  5. Cultural and Intellectual Developments: The symposium will feature panels on the transmission of knowledge and cultural practices, including the adaptation of foreign knowledge in the late Ottoman Empire and the development of Ottoman literary culture.
  6. Social and Labor Issues: Various panels will discuss social dynamics and labor practices in the Ottoman Empire, including seasonal and migrant labor, the role of women in socio-economic life, and the impact of infrastructure projects on local communities.
  7. Political and Military History: Several panels will delve into the political and military aspects of the Ottoman Empire, such as the Sokollu family’s political influence, the Ottoman-Habsburg conflicts, and the role of janissaries in the late Ottoman period.
  8. Health and Environment: Discussions will also cover public health and environmental issues in the Ottoman Empire, such as epidemic diseases, urban sanitation, and the management of natural resources.

Emphasis on Albanian Studies

A notable feature of this year’s symposium is the significant focus on the history and experiences of Albanians during the Ottoman period. Various panels will specifically address the social, political, and cultural aspects of Albanian life under Ottoman rule. Topics include:

  • The role of Albanian soldiers in the Ottoman military campaigns.
  • The administrative and social structures in Ottoman Albania.
  • The influence of Ottoman governance on Albanian cultural and intellectual life.

These discussions aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complex interactions between the Ottoman state and the Albanian population, shedding light on how these historical dynamics have shaped contemporary Albanian society.

Cultural and Social Events

In addition to the academic sessions, the symposium will include social events designed to foster networking and collaboration among participants. A welcoming cocktail at the MAK Albania Hotel and a cultural tour to Berat are planned, providing attendees with opportunities to experience Albanian culture and history firsthand.

The 25th Symposium of the CIÉPO in Tirana promises to be a landmark event for scholars of Ottoman and pre-Ottoman studies. With its rich program of academic panels and cultural activities, the symposium will offer valuable insights into the complexities of Ottoman history and society. The Sami Frashëri Institute looks forward to hosting this prestigious gathering and contributing to the ongoing scholarly discourse in this field.

For a detailed program of the symposium, please consult the full program available on this page.

Sami Frasheri Institute
Rruga Pjeter Budi,
Qyteti Studenti, Tiranë